Why you should stop trying to be better

When you’re tipping your toes into the mindset, high performance or manifestation world, you might start to feel overwhelmed by all the things you need to change in order to become this super-human…⠀

… who only thinks positive, wakes up at sunrise, drinks green juice, eats „for performance, not pleasure“, has an incredible amount of discipline, never skips a workout or a meditation, works like a machine, always goes the extra mile and goes to bed with his gratitude list by the bed at 9pm.

If you’re anything like me, this doesn’t sound fun, but you get fascinated initially. Shortly after trying to keep up this new lifestyle though, you end up feeling overwhelmed, drained and like a failure. “I just have to try harder and be better” you may think.

Let me stop you right there! The thing is: Convincing us that we’re not whole and that we need to become better SELLS. A lot of money is made off of people who feel like they’re not good enough.

But the truth is: When you came to this world as a newborn, you didn’t feel this way about yourself. You didn’t feel unworthy of attention or being cared for and you also didn’t feel unlovable or not good enough. You took on those false beliefs & identities throughout your life.

So the real journey is to UN-BECOME anything that you’re not and to remember that you’re already whole. It’s about peeling back the layers of self doubt, self-sabotage, conditioning, trauma and emotional pain. By doing this, you’ll start to FEEL your worthiness. You’ll then naturally want to change certain habits in order to feel better, but without efforting to become anything other than you already are. You will become the embodiment of your most truthful, most aligned and confident self – with much less effort & force.

That’s why my whole coaching approach is based on the belief that you have everything you need in order to reach any goal or desire. You’re already good enough, worthy of whatever you desire & and lovable just as you are. My job is to hold space for you to UN-BECOME everything that wasn’t really you in the first place. To remind you of your infinite potential. To awaken the spark you once had about your wildest dreams. To help you release what’s no longer serving you. And to support you in taking bold, inspired action. In full alignment with your truth, your core desires and authentic values.

Doors are open now to apply for ALIGN YOUR LIFE – a 3 month 1:1 coaching program I created to help you go from feeling stuck & dependent on outside orientation to connecting to your inner voice that guides you to confidence, alignment & flow in all areas of your life & business.


More presence in 30 seconds

More presence in 30 seconds

Both exercises help you to bring your attention back to the present moment, the second also to your body. This gets you out of your head and you become an observer of your thoughts.

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